Institute of Meteorology
and Water Management

Weather and climate are one of the most significant topics in the contemporary world. Accurate meteorological information helps in making key economic decisions. Thanks to advanced analytical data, any business entity can correctly predict and adapt to changing variable conditions.

  • Nearly 1400 specialists and experts.
  • 63 synoptic stations.
  • Over 900 climatological and precipitation stations.
  • Over 900 hydrological stations.
  • 4 aerological stations.
  • 10 meteorological radars.
  • 13 detection stations.
  • Marine research vessel r/v Baltica.
Serwis informacyjny IMGW-Góry
Bezpieczne Ferie

Zawsze bądź na bieżąco z pogodą. Regularnie sprawdzaj prognozy i reaguj na ostrzeżenia pogodowe. Chroń siebie i swoich przyjaciół. Twoje bezpieczeństwo jest najważniejsze!

Bezpieczniej z IMGW-PIB


Stay Safe with IMGW-PIB!

Check the issued alerts and warnings.


Preparing for Winter. We have
launched the Winter Portal of the IMGW-PIB Meteorological Modelling Centre.
Obserwator platform


The Observer Magazine

Your source of knowledge on weather, water, and climate.

Serwis informacyjny IMGW-Góry


Information service

Advanced meteorological data and additional products that enable prediction and adaptation to changing conditions in the mountains. With our support, your activities will always be one step ahead.

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The most important aspects of the weather

We develop many maps that provide up-to date information about threats, current weather conditions, incoming atmospheric fronts and storms, as well as biometeo conditions. We provide key data for agriculture and energy. We see everything and provide data on an ongoing basis. You will get scientifically confirmed forecasts only from us.

Discover our services

The main task of IMGW-PIB is to provide meteorological protection for Poland. For this purpose, the IMGW Monitor was created - a service for all national operational services and administrative bodies. As part of statutory activities, we perform, develop and provide meteorological forecasts, warnings of hazardous phenomena occurring in the atmosphere and dedicated messages and bulletins.

What’s up in our institution?

Our mission is to inform the public and organizations about atmospheric conditions – meteorological and hydrological – climate change and all factors influencing the current weather in Poland.

Polish Institute of Meteorology and Water Management – National Research Institute