Publikacje pracowników IMGW-PIB w 2024 roku
- Jurasz J. Tomczyk P. Bochenek B. Kuriqi A. Kasiulis E. Chen D. Ming B. 2024. Solar-hydro cable pooling – Utilizing the untapped potential of existing grid infrastructure; Energy Conversion and Management, vol.305, 118307. doi: 10.1016/j.enconman.2024.118307, IF: 10,4.
- Reindl A.R. Wolska L. Piotrowicz-Cieślak A.I. Saniewska D. Bołałek J. Saniewski M. 2024. The impact of global climate changes on trace and rare earth elements mobilization in emerging periglacial terrains: Insights from western shore of Admiralty Bay (King George Island, Antarctic); Science of the Total Environment, vol. 926, 171540. doi: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2024.171540, IF: 9,8.
- Canales A.F. Sapiega P. Kasiulis E. Jonasson E. Temiz I. Jurasz J. 2024. Temporal Dynamics and Extreme Events in Solar, Wind, and Wave Energy Complementarity: Insights from the Polish Exclusive Economic Zone, Energy, 132268, doi: 10.1016/, IF: 9,0.
- Siudek P. 2024. Chemical composition and source apportionment of ambient PM2.5 in a coastal urban area, Northern Poland; Chemosphere, vol. 356, 141850, doi: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2024.141850 , IF: 8,8.
- Bojanowski D. Orlińska‐Woźniak P. Wilk P. Jakusik E. Szalińska E. 2024. Spatial and Temporal Changes in Nutrient Source Contribution in a Lowland Catchment Within the Baltic Sea Region Under Climate Change Scenarios, Water Resources Research, vol. 60(5), doi: 10.1029/2023WR034979, IF: 5,4.
- Sapiega P. Zalewska T. 2024. Application of the high-resolution wave model for forecasting 1D sediment transport and beach inundation as a component of a short-term storm warning system, Environmental Modelling & Software, vol. 179, 106089, doi: 10.1016/j.envsoft.2024.106089, IF: 4,9.
- Urban G. 2024. Snow water equivalent in the Western Sudetes and its changes in the light of a changing climate, Journal of Hydrology- Regional Studies, vol.54, 101881, doi: 10.1016/j.ejrh.2024.101881, IF: 4,7.
- Szyszko-Podgórska K. Szweda Ż. Świątek M. Ukalska J. Pietrasz K. Pietrasz M. Wilk P. Orlińska-Woźniak P. Szalinska E. Rokicki T. Tylkowski S. Niżnikowski R. 2024. Impact of Landuse on Peat Soil Elemental Content and Beetle and Plant Biodiversity, Sustainability, vol. 16(11), doi: 10.3390/su16114420, IF: 3,9.
- Krajny E. Leszek Ośródka L. Wojtylak M.J. 2024. Application of Doppler sodar in short-term forecasting of PM10 concentration in the air in Krakow (Poland); Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, vol. 17(8), 2451–2464, doi: 10.5194/amt-17-2451-2024, IF: 3,8.
- Szalińska E. Hachaj P.S. Monika Szlapa M. Orlińska-Woźniak P. Wilk P. 2024. Sediment particle tracking data for the Carpathian reservoir under climate and land use change scenarios; Geoscience Data Journal, 1-19, doi: 10.1002/gdj3.242 , IF: 3,2.
- Pasierb M. Bałdysz Z. Szturc J. Nykiel G. Jurczyk A. Ośródka K. Figurski M. Wojtczak M. Wojtkowski C. 2024. Application of commercial microwave links (CMLs) attenuation for quantitative estimation of precipitation; Meteorological Applications, vol. 31(3), doi: 10.1002/met.2218, IF: 2,7.
- Walczykiewicz T. Bryła M. Kraj K. 2024. Expectations and reality of IWRM implementation across 30 years of water management in Poland; Water International, vol. 49, doi: 10.1080/02508060.2024.2321781, IF: 2,6.
- Zalewska T. Iwaniak M. Kraśniewski W. Sapiega P. Danowska B. Saniewski M. Rybka-Murat M. Grajewska A. Wawryniuk K. 2024. Hydromorphology of the southern Baltic coastal and transitional waters – New index-based assessment method; Continental Shelf Research, vol. 270-271, 105195, doi: 10.1016/j.csr.2024.105195, IF: 2,3.
- Urban G. Kowalewski M. Sawicki J. Borowiecki K. 2024. Assessment of the quality of measurements from selected amateur rain gauges, METEOROLOGISCHE ZEITSCHRIFT, doi: 10.1127/metz/2024/1199, IF: 1,2.
- Miszuk B. Furdak A. 2024. Changes in biothermal conditions in the Sudetes Mountains and their foreland in relation to the circulation conditions; Miscellanea Geographica, vol.28, doi: 10.2478/mgrsd-2023-0027, IF: 0,8.
- Wilk P. Orlińska-Woźniak P. 2024.Monitoring ilościowy i jakościowy wód powierzchniowych – razem czy osobno?; Gospodarka Wodna, vol. 1, 16-19, doi: 10.15199/22.2024.2.2.
- Soroka J. 2024. Klimat Gorzowa, wyd. IMGW-PIB, ISBN: 978-83-64979-52-1
- Soroka J. Matczak P. 2024, Burza superkomórkowa z deszczem nawalnym 8 września 2022 roku w rejonie Gorzowa Wielkopolskiego. Przegląd Geofizyczny, LXIX (1-2), 25-46, doi: 10.32045/PG-2024-045