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Zaproszenie do udziału w telekonferencji poświęconej nowym przetargom w ramach Copernicus Contributing Missions

10 października we czwartek między 10:00 a 11:30 odbędzie się telekonferencja poświęcona nowym przetargom w ramach Copernicus Contributing Missions, organizowana przez ESA. Termin rejestracji 8 października 13:00. Więcej informacji i link do rejestracji poniżej.

Aby móc wziąć udział należy wypełnić link: the following form


The ESA – CCM team is pleased to invite European Emerging Earth Observation data providers (category 1) to the upcoming on-line information session to inform about the upcoming and new data procurement which ESA is organising on behalf of the European Commission within Category 1.

The webinar will be hosted by ESA and DG DEFIS on Thursday 10th of October from 10:00 to 11:30 am CEST, on Microsoft Teams.

The procurement is part of the Copernicus Contributing Missions’ activity (CCM) that aims to provide complementary Earth Observation data from commercial missions to answer Copernicus services’ VHR EO data needs. The info webinar will include presentations by DG DEFIS and ESA and will explain how the data procurements will be organised by ESA using a Dynamic Purchasing System (DPS) and will inform about the time-schedule of the upcoming tendering opportunity. Q&A will be enabled during the presentations.

Please note: The target audience for this webinar is European Emerging Earth Observation companies registered in an EU MS or Copernicus Participating State and established within 15 years from the year* of publication of DPS Category 1.

To be able to participate, you must fill the following form. Shall your company be eligible, you will receive a confirmation email together with an invitation to participate to the session.

The deadline to register to the session is Tuesday 8th October, 13:00pm.

Questions can be addressed here: